Hello again!


 I'm not gonna lie, it feels strange to be writing a blog post out again! I've really missed spilling my thoughts onto my cozy corner of the internet, but i stopped blogging for that long I didn't think I'd ever start again, although I've been wanting to start writing posts for the past few months it never seemed like the right time.

The main reason why I haven't been active here is because I've had alot going on in my life this past year, I finally came out to my family and friends, which is honestly the most scary but relieving thing I've done but I'm so much happier having done it. I've been dating, travelling (There will probably be a post about NY when i get all the photos together), job changes, and I've finally met someone who's made me unbelievably happy (I think i need to write a whole post about this too!)

So I'm back! There might not be regular posts until i figure out a schedule but I really can't wait to get back into the swing of things! Thank you to everyone who's stuck around here and if you've been checking for new posts, I'm sorry to have disappointed any of you.

Emma xx